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As technology increases to grow at a rapid rate, you may be under the assumption that it’s going to slow humans down – with more and more people getting stuck behind a screen and not getting out and about. However, it turns out the opposite is true. Technology is encouraging more and more people to get active. Whether it’s from being able to track their fitness progress with ease, or try an entirely new different form of exercise altogether, it seems the fitness industry is embracing technology and is more than ready for the future.

Fitness Apps

 There’s an app for pretty much everything these days, and exercise is no exception. There are apps if you’ve already established your exercise regime and want to keep track of your routes and progress. Now you can even have all the information you need on your wrist, thanks to the FitBit or Apple Watch. There are also apps for those just stepping into the world of fitness. A hugely popular app for newbies is Couch Potato to 5k. (C25K) As the name suggests, it eases people into a fitness routine. You can find the app that suits your exercise needs.

New Products

We are truly living in the future; you can now exercise on a hoverboard. They’re also known as self-balancing scooters, and are proving to be a hugely popular form of exercise for a wide range of ages. They let you spin a full 360, and zoom all over the place. How fast you go is up to you, just remember to maintain your balance. It’s a fun, and different, work out.

Online Tutorials

Similar to the world of smartphone apps, if you’re after a particular kind of YouTube content it’s probably only a search away. Gyms can be intimidating places, especially if you’re just starting to exercise regularly. Online exercise classes are a great way of getting yourself more active, but from the comfort of your home. YouTube exercise video cover a range of all fitness levels; so you can progress and build up your fitness level at your own pace.

Flexible Routine

For those who are wanting to join a gym, technology can help with this, too. Thanks to technology, going to the gym has never been easier. You can now check online to see how busy it is in real time, easily book yourself into classes and signing a contract is nowhere near the hassle it used to be. Rather than have to struggle to work the gym into your everyday routine, the gym can now work around you. It also looks as if classes at the gym could become more enhanced by technology, with the potential for cycle classes to take virtual reality out for a spin.

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