The Easiest Desktop Video Stabilization Software for High-Quality Content

The Easiest Desktop Video Stabilization Software for High-Quality Content

The Easiest Desktop Video Stabilization Software for High Quality Content If you think about it, capturing your adventures has become an extremely easy task nowadays. On one side, you have devices like GoPro, becoming the epitome of portable videography. On the other side, you have a bunch of easy-to-use editing tools. On top of all…

Remo Recover Review – How to recover your files from a USB or SD drive

Remo Recover Review – How to recover your files from a USB or SD drive

At some point in our lives, we will inevitably lose some data on a drive, many people don’t have a proper backup strategy and the first time this happens is a valuable lesson learned. At some point in our lives, we will inevitably lose some data on a drive, many people don’t have a proper…

The 6 best free alternatives to Photoshop for 2019

The 6 best free alternatives to Photoshop for 2019

Photoshop is the market leader for professional photo editing and design work, and deservedly so, but its dominance in the professional world means it is quite expensive to use. In recent years Adobe has shifted to a subscription-based service, which does make it reasonably affordable but for some, this price is still too high. This…

Microsoft will charge a new annual fee that doubles each year for Windows 7 updates
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Microsoft will charge a new annual fee that doubles each year for Windows 7 updates

Wait, before you get your pitchforks out, Windows 7 is in its end of life period, it was released 9 years ago. Mainstream support ended on January 13, 2015 and the end of the extended support is January 14, 2020. If you are a consumer the support will end then no matter what you do,…

5 Ways to Completely Revamp Your Time Tracking Software In Gadgets

5 Ways to Completely Revamp Your Time Tracking Software In Gadgets

Time tracking software has grown to be an important component for many firms and their employees. They rely on time tracking software to (duh) keep track of how much time they spent on each specific project, which in turn helps employees and managers track their own progress and providing them extra insight and data on…