What are the differences between Zigbee vs Thread – Pros & Cons of Each Standard

What are the differences between Zigbee vs Thread – Pros & Cons of Each Standard

I previously wrote an article comparing Zigbee vs Z-Wave and the pros and cons of each smart home technology. Thread is a new smart home communication protocol that builds upon the Zigbee specification and is available at no cost; however, this requires agreement and continued adherence to an End-User License Agreement (EULA). Albeit, you have…

Aqara announces Matter based motion sensor & door/window sensor. Hubs to be updated to work with Matter & ZigBee seamlessly

Aqara announces Matter based motion sensor & door/window sensor. Hubs to be updated to work with Matter & ZigBee seamlessly

I have been impressed with the Aqara products I have reviewed recently. The Zigbee based system is perfect for anyone looking for an affordable way to set up a smart home. While Zigbee is a fantastic smart home protocol, there is a new kid on the block called Matter, which is backed by the Zigbee…